Website data management policy




General provisions

This privacy policy of the website (hereinafter - the Website) (hereinafter - the Privacy Policy ) establishes and ensures the implementation of the privacy conditions when you use the Website. It reveals what principles we follow and how we act when processing your personal data, how we receive them.

The Privacy Policy applies to all persons who visit the Site, regardless of whether they are registered on it or not.

The terms used in this Privacy Policy correspond to the terms used in the General Data Protection Regulation:

personal data – any information about an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject); an identifiable natural person is a person whose identity can be determined directly or indirectly, in particular by an identifier such as a name, a personal identification number, location data and an Internet identifier, or by one or more of that natural person's physical, signs of physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity;

data processing - any operation or sequence of operations carried out by automated or non-automated means with personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, sorting, systematization, storage, adaptation or change, extraction, familiarization, use, disclosure by forwarding, distribution or otherwise by making it possible to use them, as well as juxtaposition or combination with other data, restriction, deletion or destruction;

data controller - a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of data processing; when the purposes and means of such data processing are determined by the law of the European Union or a member state, the data controller or the specific criteria for his appointment may be determined by the law of the European Union or a member state;

data controller – a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the data controller;

Cookies are extremely small text files that are temporarily saved on the hard drive of the visitor's device used to browse the Website. They allow to recognize the visitor during other visits to the Website, save his browsing history, options.

We ensure that your personal data is processed legally, transparently and honestly, for predetermined purposes and only to the extent necessary to achieve the respective purposes. We aim for your personal data to be accurate, secure, confidential, properly stored and protected. In doing so, we follow the personal data processing requirements set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter - the Regulation) and other legal acts.

Changes and revisions to the Privacy Policy will be published on the Website, indicating the essence of the changes and revisions, so that Website visitors have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with them.

Principles of personal data management

The website is managed and administered by UAB "Agrotechnikos sprendimia", legal entity code: 304691130, address Raudondvario pl. 78, Kaunas (hereinafter - the Company). In accordance with the provisions of legal acts, the Company is considered the controller of your personal data.

The Company can be contacted via e-mail regarding the Privacy Policy. by mail: or by phone +370(650)88867.

When processing personal data,

- we will comply with the requirements of valid legal acts;

- we will process them legally, fairly and transparently, for clearly defined and legitimate purposes;

- we will strive for inaccurate personal data to be corrected, filled in, and, if necessary, deleted;

- we will store it to the extent and in such a form that the subject's identity can be determined no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data is collected, processed and stored;

- we will not provide personal data to third parties and we will not disclose them, except in the cases established by legal acts and this Privacy Policy.

Personal data are processed and the purposes of their processing

Personal data is processed in accordance with the consent given by the user, taking into account the requirements set by legal acts and this Policy. Personal data is also processed in order to fulfill the obligations imposed by legislation on the website manager.

The processed personal data and their nature depends on whether the person is registered on the Website or browses it as an unregistered user.

If a person is registered on the Website , the following data is processed:

identification data provided by the data subject himself (e.g. first name, surname, e-mail address or phone number, etc.);

contact data provided by the data subject himself (e.g. email address, phone number, social network account, etc.).

If the person is not registered on the Website , the following data is processed:

Internet address (IP), type of Internet browser used, number of visits, viewed Website pages, time spent on the Website, clicked links, advertisements, etc. This is aimed at improving the content of the Website, attractiveness for users and advertising clients.

Personal data is processed in order to ensure the attractiveness and functionality of the Website, in making decisions regarding the improvement of its content and software, as well as in order to create easier conditions for users to navigate the Website, adapting it to the needs of users, in order to provide users with personalized advertising offers and to evaluate the Website's attendance and its performance .

Personal data is collected and processed in order to provide registered users with news, notifications about website content updates, new offers.

Persons registered on the Website have the right to e-mail to receive newsletters sent by the Website by mail. In this case, during registration or later, if you wish to receive newsletters, you must mark your consent to receive newsletters sent by the Website with a check mark in the special section of the Website "I want to receive a newsletter". This consent can be revoked at any time by marking the "I refuse" link in the newsletter or by notifying of such a decision by e-mail. by post

Use of cookies

The website collects data about its visitors using cookies . These are extremely small files that are temporarily saved on the hard drive of the visitor's device used to browse the Website. Cookies allow the visitor to be recognized the next time he visits the Site, as well as save his browsing history and options, so that the visitor is presented with more tailored content, and the search on the Site is accelerated. It should be emphasized that Cookies are used in the vast majority of websites.

With the help of Cookies, the received information is used to ensure that the Website is used more conveniently (for example, by "personalizing" it according to the visitor's needs), they help improve the Website, analyze visitor habits, and plan marketing campaigns more effectively.

The website may use the following cookies:

necessary technical cookies are cookies that are necessary for the operation of the Website;

functional cookies are cookies that, although not necessary for the operation of the Website, significantly improve its operation, quality and user experience;

statistical cookies are cookies that are used to prepare a statistical analysis of the website visitors' navigation methods. Data collected by these cookies is used anonymously;

targeted or advertising cookies are cookies that are used to show you offers or other information that may be of interest to you.

By clicking the "I agree" button in the special block on the use of cookies, the visitor confirms his consent to the use of cookies. The visitor also has the right to withdraw his consent to the use of cookies at any time by adjusting the settings of the Internet browser so that cookies are not accepted on the device. However, this may slow down the speed of browsing the Website, limit the operation of some functions.

Personal data storage procedure

Data about visitors to the Website that reach us is collected and stored within the EU, but if necessary, it can be transferred for storage outside the EU, ensuring that it is handled securely and in accordance with the legislation and the provisions of the Privacy Policy.

Data is stored no longer than the purposes of data processing require or provided for by legal acts, if a longer data storage term is set in them. For example, the data of visitors who have registered on the Website are stored at least as long as the person is registered on the Website. In addition, only updated data is stored - outdated (before the update) data is destroyed, it is not stored, unless such a requirement is established by legal acts.

The data collected on the website will not be provided to third parties, except in the cases provided for in the Privacy Policy, if there is a legal basis for transferring them to third parties. In addition, they will be used only for the purposes and methods provided for in the Privacy Policy or for the implementation of the relevant legal provisions.

The data collected on the Website may be disclosed to third parties only to service providers (for example, when implementing contracts with them as service providers), but the latter are required to ensure that the data received is used only for the Website or the data controller for the purposes of providing services.

In the event of any breach of personal data security that becomes known to us and could affect the rights of Website visitors, the Website undertakes, after determining which persons and what data have been breached, to immediately report the breach of their data security.

Rights of the subject of personal data

Website visitors, as a subject of personal data, have the rights enshrined in legal acts: to be informed about the processing of their personal data and to familiarize themselves with the processed personal data; after determining that personal data are inaccurate, to request their correction or addition or to request the destruction of data (when they become unnecessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed illegally). In addition, the subject of personal data has the right to withdraw the previously given consent to the processing of personal data, to demand that the collected personal data be presented to him in an easily readable format or forwarded to another data controller (provided that this is technically feasible).

The request is submitted in writing to the e-mail specified in the " Principles of Personal Data Processing " section of this Privacy Policy. by mail or by sending an inquiry (notification) to the address of the company's headquarters. The company undertakes to respond to this inquiry (message) within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the inquiry (message) and all documents necessary for a response.

In the cases provided for in legal acts, the data controller has the right to refuse to fulfill the discussed requests of the data subject. For example, if it is necessary to ensure the implementation of assigned obligations, ensuring state security, defense, public order, prevention or prosecution of criminal acts, protecting important economic or financial interests of the state, protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals.

If the personal data subject does not agree with the company's response or its actions, the data subject has the right to file a complaint with the competent state institution - the State Data Protection Inspectorate or the court.